Investment Strategy
We invest in quality performing multifamily assets in low-risk markets, with opportunities to add value. We look to optimize cash returns and equity growth, while taking full advantage of the unique tax advantages multifamily real estate provides. These 6 strategies are key to our success.
- Class B multifamily – the “Goldilocks” class. Class B is at the heart of the multifamily supply demand imbalance. B’s are buffered by A’s and C’s, and are resilient in their performance throughout the economic cycle.
- Performing assets, well occupied with qualified tenants, provide a foundation to be leveraged into future growth.
- Growth markets, with a demonstrated history of resiliency and clear paths for growth into the future, selected from surveys of hundreds of markets to identify those few that provide the security and stability we seek.
- Assets with opportunities to add value. Quality assets purchased at a fair price yield solid returns based on wise incremental capital investment that drives real value for tenants, value tenants are willing to pay for.
- Annual underwriting of each asset in our portfolio drives the optimum strategy to achieve our client’s objectives. Assets experiencing significant growth in value resulting in “lazy equity” are candidates for refinance cash outs, sale, or 1031.
- The unique tax treatment multifamily real estate enjoys provides many advantages to the multifamily investor, including deprecation via cost segregation and or acceleration, cash out refinance, and 1031 sale exchange. 1031 chains defer tax exposure, enabling the use of funds other asset classes would use for tax payments, to significantly increase investor returns.
Current Portfolio
The assets in the portfolio accurately demonstrate our investment strategy in action and include investments in our Funds, Private Investments, and Co-Sponsorships.
Full Cycle Assets
These assets, some from our Funds, others from Private Investments or Co-Sponsorships, have completed the full investment cycle from acquisition through to sale or 1031 exchange. Each full cycle asset performed at or better than pro forma. Hold periods ranged from 2 to 5 years, with total returns as high as 35%+.